Eva was created to be a helper, not a hurdle!

Dr. James Mahoney
Dr. James Mahoney Founder/President

Eva was started in 2003 by Dr. James Mahoney.  Eva was called many things over its past and many iterations have occurred in that time, but the mission remained constant.  Dr. Mahoney has been practicing medicine for over 40 years and while managing a thriving private practice in Southlake, Texas, Dr. Mahoney realized that healthcare was broken at its core.  Healthcare was more focused on getting from point A to point B than the actual patient’s story.  There was no system available to listen to the patient and account for their needs, wants, and journey in becoming well.  Every system was designed with one goal in mind; help the doctor note a chart and perhaps throw billing and a few other things in there for good measure.  Honestly, EMR’s were nothing more than a glorified word processor.  So Dr. J jumped to action and began developing a system that would listen to the patient, help the doctor understand their story, and provide an in-depth analysis of the best pathway for wellness.  Eva’s story was now just beginning to be written.  Over the years, multiple attempts were taken to address key issues with this model.  On the forefront, this idea doesn’t seem overly complicated, yet there were many hurdles to cross in this journey.  The ever-growing changes in technology have allowed us to cross these hurdles and now bring Eva to the world. 

Eva’s story is continuing to be written as is your contribution.  Get excited…the best is yet to come! 

Eva’s History

Eva began in 2003, as GenetiMedic. This was during a time when functional medicine specialists were just starting to uncover root causes of illness using 20–30-page questionnaires to collect data. This process was effective but exhausting for both the doctor and the patient.  Eva technology streamlined the process of data collection and offered some assistance with interpretation.  After two years of testing and development, phase two began.
Better Body Better Mind
Better Body Brighter Mind™ (B3M) was a simple interview system designed to recognize patterns of symptoms to guide health choices. It was launched as a health and wellness training platform for doctors and patients. Before the internet matured and cloud-computing developed the program was based on DVDs and shipped by mail to thousands of users. The program worked for holistic and integrative (functional) medical practices and a diverse group of health-conscious consumers. Demand for a more powerful clinical system continued to grow until LifeClick™ was launched as a platform to replace more conventional medical record systems.
LifeClick™ began as a medical practice version of B3M to make complicated patient problems easier to recognize and treat. LifeClick’s™ health and wellness orientation made it easy for practitioners and patients to “team-up” using diet, nutrition, and exercise right alongside conventional medical care. After over 100,000 encounters, LifeClick™ became an indispensable tool in patient care, paving the way for the unveiling of Eva.
Eva (the “Expert Virtual Assistant”) brings 17 years of software development and 30 years of medical practice into an experience that is unlike any other health technology.  Eva’s expert patient interview uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify health challenges and potential root causes. She shortens the process of diagnosis and treatment by providing all the relevant data in a concise format for final action by the practitioner.  This eliminates the need for conventional medical record systems and improves the experience for both the provider and the patient. Eva is working hard to really include patients and make their healthcare experience better than ever.